Your Session

Your session explained

Who are we in our totality? We are not just our body, mind or our experiences. We are spiritual beings... We are the Spirit and body is a vehicle that allows us to experience this physical experience.
In your session we begin with a gentle meditation to stitch to a different brain wave - Theta wave- to access your subconscious mind and see what is "controlling" your cognitive actions. We are then able to change that in a way that is unique to you. It is as if you had a meeting with other parts of you that can contribute to your healing- there is information there that you cannot access with a cognitive mind. Once that transformation occurs everything aligns to it and reflects in your daily life. You also acquire tools and abilities to function differently - with more ease and joy.
You can reunite with all of you and the parts that live within you.
It is a very interactive session where you are the creator and I am the guide.
It is designed to empower you in any aspect that you wish.

Are you ready for more ease, joy , awareness and space?
How would it feel to function from awareness and as beautiful being that is you?

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Inner Self

Have you ever felt dismissed, neglected or abandoned as a child? Often our Inner Child aka Younger Self is energetically stuck in a different time and space and they cannot move forward as they concluded it unsafe or unsuitable for some reason. In order for us to proceed freely and easily we meet with that part of us and give support, understanding and love. Our Little Self had different means to understand and so it often resulted in distortion of things and people which was often accompanied by misunderstanding , abandonment and rejection. Our reliance to receive love, care and support as children is primal to our survival. In your session we go into "heart space" and meet with the Inner Self to give what was once lacking. It has a great healing power and can create some marvellous ripple effects within and without.

What happens next?

The World is your oyster!
If you feel stuck, unable to move forward or feel deep down that things could be better you may want to make a different choice to achieve different results. Coming out of the familiar patterns is the answer.
Things that happened to people (just to name few):
* found/changed job
*moved to another country
*pregnancy and child birth
*improved relationships
*got better health
*more confidence and drive
*finalised projects- no more procrastination

What else is possible?

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Ask for what you want!

Online, on the phone, in person. Your choice. 

You already have it 🙂 Just be open minded and open hearted. Be yourself and be honest- it is your space. I will guide you, not judge you!

One session for one issue. If you would like to change many things in your life or your issue is multifaceted then you may need few sessions.

Usually between 60 to 90 minutes. 

Access your knowing.  You know better!