What space are you creating your life from?
Fear, worry, anxiety, despair ...
or joy, fun, intuition & inspiration?
Like in nature we also create a ripple effect with every thought, emotion then action or reaction… Most of it happens on a subconscious level. We are very focused on our conscious thinking and acting but that is only 5%- the rest is subconscious… You can dig deeper into the power of your subconscious!
You do have a choice and you are making it!
By guiding and aligning your thoughts-emotions-actions you create a different life.
How would you like to feel?
Would you like to experience more joy, freedom, prosperity and peace? What else?
At Joyful Ripples we access the subconscious mind and make changes there so it can reflect on the outside. In your session you will dive into a deep connection with yourself that will enable you to create the life that you desire. The real you is the greatest and it is that uniqueness that you wish to follow and shine through. You will find it, be it and be proud of it.
All you need is You!
Joyful Ripples are within you and by working together we can make a ripple effect that will expand and upgrade your whole life.
Would you like an upgrade?
How can I help You ?
Release a feeling of anxiety, fear, worry and anything you do not wish for.
Change unwanted patterns
Stop looping mechanisms ( including PTSD)
Relieve traumatic experiences
Overcome overwhelm and feeling of stagnation
Create a different identity – true to you, by deeply reconnecting
Improve relationships (with yourself and others)
Help you move forward with ease
How does it look in your life?
Release worry and anxiety in daily life which will have a direct effect on your sleep, digestion, mental health and general wellbeing
Overcome trauma so you can live life now instead of then
Improve work situation – whether changing job or finding one
Better your relationships or find one if you wish- open up to Love
Revisit your Self Image and learn to love and accept yourself – that includes Body issues
Create healthy you – on every level!
Learn practical tools that will assist you in every day life to be more present
Have more ease and fun
Experience abundance- mental, emotional, financial and social and one every other way you wish
Live life to fullness!
Are you Ready?
Special Offer!
New and exciting offering- Soul Star Oracle Cards Reading
Result. So inspired by your beautiful reading and grateful."

Buy one here– for yourself or as a gift.